Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gathering / I-gregation

The first national gathering of Rastafari in Aotearoa is planned for 15th & 16th January 2011. The venue is yet to be decided but will most likely be in Wellington for ease of access to those who will be travelling from the north and south. I have posted a flyer that has some intitial information. InI will be sending out invitation letters to those who have indicated interest in attending so please email The I. Much Love - Rastafari!


  1. Maybe we could have two gatherings, say one in central north island like Taupo or Rotorua and the other in in central South Island like Chch. I would be willing to help organise and locate a venue in Taupo or Rotorua. Let me know what you think.

  2. Gretz Sta... Keen to Help... jaymz

  3. I&I are looking for people to carpool to this Hui in Wellington. If I is going and have a road legal vehicle and wish to help out with car pooling please contact I either on
    Facebook - "Rastafari Nz" or by
    Email at ""
    Jah bless & One Love to all.
